""); /* start with no items present */ $fxr->fetch ("0105D20985", $vars, "in ([A-Z]+)", "currencyID"); $fxr->fetch ("0100E200C6", $vars, "(.*)", "HeaderExchangedDocumentName"); $fxr->fetch ("01012D0846", $vars, "(.*)", "DocumentID"); $fxr->fetch ("0101720846", $vars, "(.*)", "IssueDate", factXrech::DATE_FIELD); $fxr->fetch ("0101B70846", $vars, "(.*)", "ActualDeliveryDate", factXrech::DATE_FIELD); $fxr->fetch ("0101FC0846", $vars, "(.*)", "PaymentReference"); $fxr->fetch ("0102860846", $vars, "(.*)", "BuyerReference"); $fxr->fetch ("0102410846", $vars, "(.*)", "CustomerID"); $fxr->fetch ("01036C00C6", $vars, "(.*)", "BuyerRegistrationName"); $fxr->fetch ("0103B100C6", $vars, "(.*)", "BuyerStreetName"); $fxr->fetch ("0103F600C6", $vars, "[A-Za-z]*-?([0-9]+) .*", "BuyerPostcodeCode"); $fxr->fetch ("0103F600C6", $vars, "[A-Za-z]*-?[0-9]+ (.*)", "BuyerCityName"); $fxr->fetch ("01043B00C6", $vars, "(.*)", "CountryIC", factXrech::COUNTRY_FIELD); $fxr->fetch ("010D1A0889", $vars, "([0-9,]+) .*", "TaxableAmount", factXrech::CURRENCY_FIELD); $fxr->fetch ("010D5F0889", $vars, "([0-9,]+) .*", "TaxAmount", factXrech::CURRENCY_FIELD); $fxr->fetch ("010DA40889", $vars, "([0-9,]+) .*", "PayableAmount", factXrech::CURRENCY_FIELD); $fxr->fetch ("010D5F00C6", $vars, ".+ ([0-9,]+)% .*", "TaxPercent"); $fxr->fetch ("01050A0229", $vars, "(.*)", "BuyerEndpointID", factXrech::MAIL_FIELD); /* Handling of payment is identical for all items */ $vars ["PaymentTerms"] = $fxr->getLine ("010E7300C6"); $vars ["DueDate"] = $fxr->formatDate (substr ($vars ["PaymentTerms"], 29, 10)); $fxr->setIndex ("01063100FD"); /* position to start with item table */ while ($fxr->getIndex () != "010D1A00C6") /* loop through list of items */ { /* Process list of invoice items, all items have fix VAT and currency */ $itemvars = array ("currencyID" => $vars ["currencyID"], "TaxPercent" => $vars ["TaxPercent"]); $fxr->fetch ("", $itemvars, "(.*)", "LineID"); $fxr->fetch ("", $itemvars, "(.*)", "SellerAssignedID"); $fxr->fetch ("", $itemvars, "(.*)", "BuyerAssignedID"); $fxr->fetch ("", $itemvars, "(.*)", "Name"); $fxr->fetch ("", $itemvars, "(.*)", "PriceAmount", factXrech::CURRENCY_FIELD); $fxr->fetch ("", $itemvars, "(.*)", "UnitCode", factXrech::UNIT_FIELD); $fxr->fetch ("", $itemvars, "(.*)", "InvoicedQuantity", factXrech::QUANTITY_FIELD); $fxr->fetch ("", $itemvars, "(.*)", "LineExtensionAmount", factXrech::CURRENCY_FIELD); $vars ["ITEMS"] .= $fxr->substitute (factXrech::ITEM_TEMPLATE, $itemvars); } /* create and validate xml file using external kosit validator (java) */ $fxr->createXML ($fxr->substitute (factXrech::INVOICE_TEMPLATE, $vars), 1); if ($fxr->errorsfound () == 0) /* nothing went wrong so far */ { $invoicedate = substr ($vars ["IssueDate"], 8, 2) . "." . substr ($vars ["IssueDate"], 5, 2) . "." . substr ($vars ["IssueDate"], 0, 4); $title = "Rechnung {$vars ["DocumentID"]} vom $invoicedate"; $keywords = "Muster_GmbH {$vars ["DocumentID"]} $invoicedate {$vars ["CustomerID"]}"; $resultfile = $fxr->createPDF ("$document.pcl", "Muster GmbH", $title, $keywords); /* save and rename just generated pdf file */ copy ($resultfile, "Rechnung_{$vars ["DocumentID"]}_$invoicedate.pdf"); } //array_map ('unlink', glob ("$document.*")); /* uncomment after test */ ?>