error ("Control file missing '$ctlPath'", 1); $ctl = file_get_contents ($ctlPath); /* ctl file coded in UTF-8 */ preg_match_all ("/\[([0-9a-zA-Z]{3,10})\](.+)\r/u", $ctl, $this->matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); } public function __destruct () { if (file_exists ("temp.pdf")) unlink ("temp.pdf"); if (file_exists ("result.pdf")) unlink ("result.pdf"); if (file_exists ("")) unlink (""); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public function error ($msg, $severity = 0) { file_put_contents ("control.log", "[" . date ('Y-m-d H:i:s', time ()) . "] " . $msg . "\n", FILE_APPEND); if ($severity != 0) die (); $this->errorCount++; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public function errorsFound () { return $this->errorCount; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public function getIndex () { return $this->matches [$this->index] [1]; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public function setIndex ($lineIndex) { for ($idx = 0; $idx < count ($this->matches); $idx++) if ($this->matches [$idx] [1] == $lineIndex) break; if ($idx == count ($this->matches)) return ""; $this->index = $idx; return trim ($this->matches [$idx] [2]); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public function getLine ($lineIndex) { $line = ""; do { for ($idx = 0; $idx < count ($this->matches); $idx++) if ($this->matches [$idx] [1] == $lineIndex) break; if ($idx == count ($this->matches)) return ""; $lineIndex = $this->matches [$idx + 1] [1]; $lineidx = substr ($this->matches [$idx] [1], 0, 6); $line .= $this->matches [$idx] [2]; } while (substr ($lineIndex, 0, 6) == $lineidx); return $line; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public function fetch ($lineIndex, & $target, $regEx, $idx) { $line = ($lineIndex == "") ? $this->matches [$this->index++] [2] /* current line */ : $this->setIndex ($lineIndex); /* requested line */ if (preg_match ("/" . $regEx . "/u", $line, $m) == 1) $target [$idx] = $m [1]; else $target [$idx] = ""; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public function substitute ($tmpl, $vars) { /* Replace placeholders in template */ foreach ($vars as $key => $value) $tmpl = str_replace( "@$key@" , $value , $tmpl); return $tmpl; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public function createPdf ($pcl, $company, $reference, $keywords) { if (! file_exists ($pcl)) { $this->error ("PCL file missing '$pcl'", 0); return ""; } /* Convert PCL file to PDF/A format using GhostPCL first */ system ("\"converter/gpcl6win64.exe\" \"-otemp.pdf\" " . "-sPDFCompatibillityPolicy=2 -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dPDFA=1 " . "-dCompressPages=false -dCompressFonts=false \"$pcl\"", $result); if ($result != 0) { $this->error ("Conversion to pdf failed for '$pcl'", 0); return ""; } /* Write postscript file to setup meta data for pdf file creation */ file_put_contents ("", "%!PS\n" . "[ /Title ($company - $reference)\n" . " /Author ($company)\n" . " /Subject (Rechnung im PDF-Format)\n " . " /Keywords ($keywords)\n" . " /Creator (print2forms)\n" . " /DOCINFO\n" . "pdfmark\n" . "%%EOF"); /* Convert PDF/A once again to integrate meta data using GhostScript. This is neccessary because newer versions of gpcl6win64.exe fail in processing a PJL command with meta data. */ $internal = "result.pdf"; /* dafault name for resulting document */ system ("\"converter/gswin64.exe\" " . "-sDEVICE=pdfwrite " . "-dPDFA=1 " . "-o $internal " . "temp.pdf " . "", $result); if ($result != 0) { $this->error ("Appending meta data to pdf failed for '$pcl'", 0); return ""; } return $internal; /* internal name of the pdf file as result */ } } ?>